Over the weekend I received the following DM via Facebook (it has been quoted here with the consent of the sender).
"My partner has been having a few odd things happening in his house. I haven't picked up on anything energetically in the house, but I'm wondering if that's because I'm so tired? Maybe because it's not my house or it's not there all the time. My initial thought was because next-door is moving out and it's a semi-detached property and I wondered whether something was emanating through the wall? The first odd occurrence was in his teenage daughter's bedroom when her CD player kept switching on and my partner got a bit freaked out. Is this connected to her age or maybe her hormones?"
Tabitha (as we'll call our concerned lady), contacted me to see whether there was anything I could recommend to her partner that might mitigate some of the odd energy occurrences in his house.
Tuning into the property, I felt that all the issues related to his teenager and her time at School, rather than anything that was directly related to the energies in and around his home. What was most likely happening was that energies were attaching to her energy fields, and unbeknown to her (as her energy fields were unprotected) she was transporting uninvited guests home with her, and then returning them to School next day (hence the intermittent experiences in the house).
Energetically it seemed that she was experiencing difficulties with boundaries with other students and that there were all manner of odd energies frequenting the School.
I shared my intuitive findings with Tabitha, and she confirmed that there had been difficulties with other students in the lead up to the CD incident, as well as difficulties with setting firm boundaries. Ill-will energies and 'lost' energies will often feed on conflict, despair and be attracted to dysfunction. Tracking the energy and receiving feedback confirming my findings was helpful.
I didn't feel that there was any need for an Energy Clearing of the Home as this was not the point of origin of the energies, but I did make the following recommendations:-
1) Give the Daughter, a gift of a beautiful Rose Quartz pendant or bracelet. [Rose Quartz is a great harmoniser. Its energies draw harmony, Love, calmness, compassion, prosperity, grounding, healing, empathy, enrichment of friendships and may help with anxiety, towards the energy fields of the wearer, and I felt in this case would be very useful to help steady the teenager during difficult times at School]. Once purchased, the pendant/bracelet should be cleaned and programmed before being given to the Daughter. It should be worn on her person everyday and only taken off at night if she didn't want to wear it at night.
2) If a pendant/bracelet is not possible (owing to School regulations concerning the wearing of jewellery), then purchase a Rose Quartz Touchstone (sometimes referred to as Thumbstone) that can be slipped into a School uniform pocket, and can be touched for reassurance as necessary. The energies may also harmonise with the wearer and help promote compassion, grounding and healing. Before first use, the crystal must be cleansed and programmed as normal.
3) Further, a chunk of Rose Quartz needs to be placed at the entrance to the home, just inside the front door on a shelf or as close to the front door as possible, to neutralise ill-will energies from entering the house or to deter them from entering in the first place (It is possible to spot Rose Quartz energies at work, when someone is invited in, and then for no apparent reason, decides that now is not a good time and chooses not to enter or to leave fairly quickly).
4) The final suggestion, and which is really the first thing to do before placing any new crystals into the home's environment, is to smudge the Daughter's room, all around the house, and concentrate on the front door area too, to remove stagnant or ill-will energies. Smudge using Sage or a Candle or a water-based spray that contains healing essences e.g. Alaskan Space Clearing Sprays i.e. Purification, or Calling All Angels, and set the intention to ask for whatever has come in to leave, peacefully.
I love the soothing, gentle, comforting, supportive energies of loving Rose Quartz.
It is such a wonderful & subtly powerful crystal to work with & wear as jewellery, or have as a Touchstone, or chunk of raw crystal in the house. It is pretty and makes for a good ornament if you are looking to raise the energies in your home.
[Rose Quartz can be purchased from any reputable Seller. I usually buy my tools and crystals from Sacred Essence as the staff are helpful, it is a UK-based company, appears ethical, and they offer a good range of products.]
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