In West Oxfordshire, England, there is a prehistoric burial chamber that, from the road, looks unremarkable. As you turn off the busy main road through Enstone, heading out on the 'B' class road towards Charlbury, there is a small copse of trees and a large looming stone towering above a dry stone wall, on the left handside. Only a sign indicates that there might be something of interest here, but blink and you'll have driven past.
Here is the sacred site of The Hoar Stone. Driving quickly, keeping eyes on the road, means that it is seldom even glanced at, and that is part of its charm, and invisibility.
I remember being taken to visit this site when I was a child. Following a protracted period of illness, a family friend took me to visit The Hoar Stone. At that time you couldn't see it from the road as it was in an area that was all overgrown and had old trees shielding it from view. Our family friend helped me over the wall (there was no access then or if there was it was so overgrown as to be lost in time) and she asked me to "count the stones". Sitting on the wall in near darkness, as very little light penetrated, I counted what I thought were 13 stones and I told her the counted amount.
She asked me to recount. I recall that there were now more than 13.
I remember her chuckling and asking me to "count again". I did so, and I was surprised when I counted only 7 stones.
I thought it was all rather odd. I recall feeling exasperated, and I remember that she told me that the site was sacred, and that the energy would reveal its secrets to only a few, and that no one could count the true number of stones.
We sat there in silence for a while longer, and I remember feeling rather in awe of the place and vowed that, one day I would return!
I have waited many moons before being able to return to this sacred site.
These days it has been cleared of many of the large, dark, heavy-leaved trees that overhung the site, the ones that reduced the amount of light that was able to enter the area. Looking at the tree stumps, it appears that most of the trees were well over a hundred years old, but without disease. They were cleared to make the area lighter and more visible to passing motorists and perhaps for the residents of Enstone.
As you can see from the photograph, the site doesn't look like much. Approaching on foot, it does have a sense of faded grandeur, but it is not breath-taking like Avebury or Stonehenge or Castlerigg stone circle. It is small in scale unlike these other monuments. However, it is worth remembering that it is an old burial chamber.
I approached on foot having parked the car a short walk away in a pull-in, not even a layby.
I was aware of the energies as soon as I got out of the car. I paused, and, tuning in, I asked the Land Guardian (whose energies I felt slumbering all around), if I had permission to approach (if I felt that I didn't have permission, I'd have turned around, walked back to the car, and driven away).
I felt a heart-warming change in the energies around me, a swirling sensation, and I knew that I had connected immediately with the Land Guardian's energies.
On my approach, I was aware of a sense of recognition, and I walked over to the wall around the site. There was a small, purpose built gap in the wall where you can walk through. I was a bit surprised, and brought my previous memory (as described above to my mind). I paused again, and checked in with the Land Guardian that it was acceptable to enter the site. All felt good. I thanked the Land Guardian and asked if it was acceptable to take photographs.
Words surfaced in my mind: "Take only photos, leave only footprints". In my teenage years, I had a tee-shirt with those words printed on it. I was given it as a gift. I took the memory as the Land Guardian confirming that this was acceptable.
I walked into the site through the opening in the wall and was immediately faced with this magnificent view. Apart from the energies, I was the only person there.
From the photo, perhaps you can see where someone has defaced the stone. The letters "WPG" or perhaps the last letter is an "S" appear on the middle standing stone. Also on the standing stone to the left, there are other letters carved into the surface, though more weathered. Would you regard this as a respectful thing to do when entering a sacred site?
Casting around, I found that the site had been cleared of more than just the trees.
Several of the other stones that I recalled being in situ when I last visited were no longer there, or at least no longer visible (or perhaps they are now buried under the muddy soil).
Standing, tuning into the Land Guardian's energies, I found that I was remembered. The words "You came. You returned" formed in my mind. I spoke in my mind's eye: "You called. I came". Then I was overtaken by a profound sense of peace. I could hear birds chirping away overhead. I could have stayed there all day.
I walked around the site. I felt grieved that several trees had been cut down just to open up the site. However, there were signs of new life appearing from one of the tree stumps.
Two strong Holly stems were sprouting from the ground, either side of the tree stump. Holly has many meanings and is a symbol of protection, fertility, immortality, peace, the Green Man (& Green Woman), the sword of truth. It is poisonous to humans. I smiled. It seemed so fitting to find it here.
Again I tuned into the Land Guardian, and asked if there was anything that I could leave as an offering, was there anything the site needed.
Another impression formed in my mind: "Your words".
As I was leaving the site, I noticed that someone had left a Rune carved from wood on a little ledge on one of the upright stones. If it had been left as an offering it would have been better placed on the ground so that it could weather and decay.
The Rune looked like 'Algiz' which is associated with the Moon. Other meanings ascribed to 'Algiz' are: protection, higher-self, emotions, growth, defence, purity, harmony, relationships, success. I wondered whether the leaver of the gift was hoping that the standing stone would charge the Algiz token with energies, so that it could be used later on a personal altar or in healing work.
In my experience, when visiting sacred sites, it is better to leave offerings on the ground near stones (if a site allows it) where they can be weathered & broken down into the ground.
Offerings can include shelled nuts, a small piece of fresh or dried fruit, some water, a favourite leaf, or something else that is natural.
[Leaving rubbish or discarded sandwiches and crisps, bottled drinks etc. is unacceptable and these lunch treats need to be taken home and disposed of in the most appropriate disposal bin, as they can attract rats. It also lowers the vibrations of the site].
If you are unsure what to leave by way of an offering, or as a thank-you, check in with the Land Guardian energies and be guided by what you receive.
As promised, I took only photographs, I left only energy footprints, and to honour the Land Guardian energies my thank-you offering is the words in this post.
Photo Credits: Cerys Williams trading as Guiding Light © Cerys Williams 2024
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